Understanding our roles as nurses and as human beings. 


The duration that the nurse remains in a hospital or clinic environment as either a bedside nurse, a community nurse, a clinic nurse, a theater nurse can depend on many factors and is very significantly based on individual circumstances, career goals, job satisfaction, workplace culture and personal factors. 


While some may stay in the field for their entire careers, others may transition to distinct roles or leave the profession altogether for several reasons.  Factors such as workplace support, opportunities for advancement, and addressing issues related to diversity and inclusion can play a significant role in retention rates. 


It's essential to consider these factors when discussing the longevity of diverse range of nurses in the nursing environment. 


I have had personal experience working on hospital wards, as well as working in a surgical theater environment as well as working in the community in care facilities that cator for neurological conditions, the elderly and end of life care.


Each discipline requires a specific set of skills, but compassion and empathy are essential. However, without adequate coping mechanisms, nurses may suffer from both internal and external interference which may change the way they feel about their career choice and themselves.


[1]: https://www.rcn.org.uk/professional-development/publications/PUB-004967 ""
[2]: https://www.britishjournalofnursing.com/content/professional/strategies-used-to-cope-with-stress-by-emergency-and-critical-care-nurses/ ""
[3]: https://nursingeducation.org/insights/mental-health-challenges/ ""
[4]: https://academicpartnerships.uta.edu/healthcare-nursing-online-programs/rn-to-bsn/coping-strategies-for-stressed-nurses/ ""


How long do nurses last working in a nursing environment?



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